Journal Entry Type #165: No Gnats Means Good Gnats


As one of my celebrations for finding a job that is more suitable for my personality and tastes, I ended up buying more stamps from the U.S. Postal Service. I value the Postal Service more than I dislike it although there have been a few times where I question the people they hire. One time a birthday card ended up without the gift card sent to me. Another time money that was sent me never arrived. And even another time, I bought 2-day shipping. You know when the box got there? A month later. I know that it was the holidays, but I full month later! What the hell! So, here I am with my weekends off again (wee hoo) and knowing it’s only going to get hotter in Nevada and everywhere else because despite what some people don’t believe, global warming does exist. I’m so glad (hopefully), I’ll be dead when it gets too hot to live on Planet Earth and humans run out of the necessities to survive like crops and even more water. The water wars have already started, but it’s only going to get worse in the U.S. for their rights.

About a good five days ago, I realized I had bites on my legs and now on my back and hands. I knew they weren’t mosquitoes because I’ve only seen one mosquito in Nevada since moving here. I don’t miss those or the roadkill you see every two miles. But something was biting me and they itched like crazy. They also were raised like mosquito bites except it didn’t have the one puncture hole you see with mosquitoes. I looked up insects that bite you. I know it’s not a spider bite. I’ve had those before and it’s nothing what I have to suffer. I’ve never been around gnats inside. I ended up doing some cleaning and throwing away bad fruit and spraying gnat spray in sinks and drains, and alongside floorboards. Little did I know that there are different kinds of gnats. It could be some other annoying insect, but I saw something fly in my bedroom the other day. This led me to believe it might be a gnat of some kind. If it is some other insect, I’m covering my bases because I ordered some stuff on Amazon (I know) to combat them as well. I’ve had ants, mosquitoes, and flies inside my home but not whatever this is that’s biting me. And to top this off on a positive note because sometimes I wish some insects never existed, I will end with a quote.

“We are human beings. We take wrong turns, we make mistakes and we fall short. And through it all we learn, we make amends and we grow. And then we simply must allow ourselves to move beyond our regrets and our disappointments into the warm light of self-forgiveness, letting go of any self-judgments or critical thoughts that keep you stuck in the past.”

-Paul S. Boynton-

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