• Flash Fiction: Which Body of Water?

    I ask myself questions not periodically but every day. The way my day started was no surprise. I was woken up by kids yelling and carrying on outside. I looked out my window. I saw the neighborhood creep sitting under an umbrella. He was doing what he always does. He watches the women in their…

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  • Flash Fiction: Lost Phone

    I laid down to fall asleep. It took a while but once asleep, I was deep in dream land. I found myself in a place I didn’t want to be and frankly, I felt tricked. Someone had lured me into a truck, promising me a great reward. He said it was a great adventure with…

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  • Flash Fiction: Basement Dad

    My dad had been dead for less than a year. I missed him like the next person. The last time I went downstairs into his work area in the basement, I saw a photo of myself from high school. Why did he still have that up? I was sixteen at the time and only a…

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  • Journal Entry Type #168: Dreams and Life or Vice Versa

    It’s been a long week for me. I’ve been at my new job for a month now. I don’t want to jinx it but so far it’s been alright. I’ve slept throughout the night and deep enough to have some pretty intense dreams. I’m going to be making them into flash fiction soon. Another thing…

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