• List of Olympic Games Host Cities/Countries at a Quick Glance

    There’s rich history concerning the ancient Olympics and equally fascinating information pertaining to the modern Olympics.  While I only broke down the list of year, summer or winter, city and country, it’s all quite fascinating.  I’m looking forward to February when it all starts. Sources: IOC/Wikipedia

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  • What? The Olympics Already! Where? In South Korea!

      Time really does fly by.  It’s the Winter Olympics soon.  I remember the “Flying Tomato” missing standing on the podium in the snowboarding half-pipe event at the Sochi games. Shaun White gets his chance again in PyeongChang. I’m excited to see how it materializes.  I hope he gets a chance to redeem himself.  I…

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  • Police, Detectives, and Agents! Oh, my!

    Outstanding police departments can make you feel safe in your community.  I would venture to say they are cities not heavily populated, which are basically small town U.S.A.  Corrupt police departments can dampen a whole city’s image.  Los Angeles comes to mind, which The Shield is loosely based from, and in particular the Rampart Division. …

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  • Three Random Quotes

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  • How Old Do You Want to Live?

    Supercentenarians are people who live past the age of 110. This is few and far between given everything that is happening today, but surprisingly, there are more in existence than I thought. I admit it’s crossed my mind when I’ll bite the big one. I guess time will tell. In the meantime, here’s a few…

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  • Short Poem: The Blind Date

    The Blind Date She told me to not be so damn perfect. It wasn’t that I was trying all that hard. I told her this.  I truly did.  I did. I did, I did, I did, I did, and I did. You think she listened to me. No.  No.  No. Each no for what I…

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  • PC Quotes

    Everything you see I owe to kimchi, if we are going to our roots type of quote. If we are talking about body weight, then we are talking about a whole lot more than kimchi. Isn’t this the truth and more truth. In a fit in a 1/32nd of a teaspoon kind of way. Body…

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  • Book Recommendation: Anger Antidotes

    We all have emotions running up and down our bodies thanks to our brain. I would say emotions are the most powerful part of any human being. There may be many physical substances, whether good or bad, that are just as powerful (tobacco or sugar to name a few). Yes, the addiction process people go…

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  • Bigger Font and Writing…Sorta

    Font Size I wasn’t doing anyone favors by picking such small font on my blog posts.  I’ve made it bigger on my blog pages.  I usually put everything I post onto one of my pages so it is all in one area. I’m having a hard time with my font and all capitals since I’ve…

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  • Popcorn Puzzle

    This makes me hungry for popcorn.  Good thing I have some leftover from Thor: Ragnarok.  Many more puzzles to put together.  Oh, how fun.     Stay tuned for the next puzzle that won’t be food related.

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  • Movie Review: Thor: Ragnarok

    Finally Saw a Movie in a Theater I went to a movie I intended seeing in one of my previous blogs. FINALLY!!! Thor: Ragnarok is the third installment in this franchise. I bet my hands there will be another one based on how the movie ended. No, I will not tell you how it ended,…

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  • The Weekend is a Time for Rest, Correct?

    It’s been an interesting weekend, to say the least, but I managed to get a few photos Friday night after work.  I thought I’d have more time to myself, but life is unexpected, and didn’t get as much time as originally intended.  I’ve been thinking about quite a few things, which is nothing new, and…

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  • CA Science Center: Body Worlds (Part Six)

    As the above picture comments, these were once living people who gave permission to use them for scientific and educational purposes. I hope you enjoy the pictures and information as much as I enjoyed viewing the exhibit, keeping in mind to respect the bodies and parts involved. Shall We Continue with Various Insightful Facts and…

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