Category: Music

  • Music Feeds the Human Soul

    I’ve been getting into music again, old and new. Although music videos are not as popular as they were back in the day, I feel they add artistic value to the song. Here are the songs that continue to stick with me over the years and move the emotions within me around in a good…

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  • Fremont Street Experience Concert #2


    The last concert I went to was outside in the blazing heat with The All-American Rejects. I never got into this band meaning I didn’t buy any of their albums. I did recognize a few of their songs because I don’t live under a rock. The concert I went to last night was more comfortable…

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  • Journal Entry Type #166: Music Does the Body Good


    I’ve been trying to new things I used to do in the past and one of them was going to concerts, not that any of my past concerts were outside in 100+ degree heat. Yes, I know the sign says The All-American Reject instead of Rejects. I never really got into them when they released…

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  • More You Know: Top Billboard Single from Each Decade Starting at 1950


    Pop 1950 single = “Goodnight, Irene” by Gordon Jenkins and The Weavers 1960 single = Theme from “A Summer Place” by Percy Faith 1970 single = “Bridge over Troubled Water” by Simon & Garfunkel 1980 single = “Call Me” by Blondie 1990 single = “Hold On” by Wilson Phillips 2000 single = “Breathe” by Faith…

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  • Music and Jogging


    With Grant Imahara dying, interview of Mary Trump, COVID not going away, paralyzing world economy, my car making sounds I don’t like, and personal things I wish were different, I have gravitated toward things that make me feel better or so I believe. Sometimes, I think I should be doing something else (read better and…

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  • Journal Entry Type #42: Time to Wake Up!

    I’ve had an interesting few last weeks, to say the least.  I’ve gone between feeling overwhelmed and pressured to relatively calm and going with flow for the majority this week.  I realized I’ve been stress eating and I finally weened myself off that disaster.  I was jogging outside but it’s getting warmer now (high 90s…

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  • Seven Songs That Make Me Feel Human

    There’s a handful of songs I listen to when I’m jogging, in the car, or want to feel as if I’m an emotional person.  Here they are in no particular order with the song’s music videos.  Hopefully, they won’t be removed but if they are you can always to go YouTube.

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  • My Favorite Songs Out of the Top 500 by Rolling Stone

    Rolling Stone magazine compiled a list of the top 500 best songs.  The list was extensive and hard to pick from although I managed to do it.  I broke them down into increments of 100 and picked the top 11 in each one.  Why 11?  I couldn’t pick just 10.  I’m sure there are passionate…

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  • 10 (+1) Songs That Scream 1980s


    I recently was looking at a Rolling Stone magazine and recognized none of the singers or their songs.  I haven’t been into new/recent music for a long time.  The last CD I bought was from a long time ago.  I think many of the artists on the radio sound the same today.  Since I grew…

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  • What Song is Playing on Your iPod?


    This is going to a little different blog.  I call it nice and short because it’s about jogging and listening to music while jogging.  I yanked myself away from my computer last night because Monday and Tuesday was a bust for exercising.  Did I have a good reason for not exercising?  Sort of.  Monday I…

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  • Livingmore Music Video

    I met this guy named Spencer quite a while ago in LA.  He’s a hip millennial who knows his music and plays guitar.  He was part of a different indie band back then and now is a part of Livingmore.  He’s all about living his dream.  This is their latest music video to their song…

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  • Netflix Recommendation: ReMastered: Devil at the Crossroads (2019)

    Partial lyrics from Robert Johnson’s song “I Believe I’ll Dust My Broom” I’m gonna write a letter Telephone every town I know I’m gonna write a letter Telephone every town I know If I can’t find her in West Helena She must be in East Monroe I know Netflix has these remastered stories about musicians. …

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  • Review of Interpol Marauder by Dillinger Kash

    Interpol Marauder: A Welcome Return Review by Dillinger Kash First off, no… it’s not as good as the first two albums. But it’s definitely up there. Ranking it among the band’s now six albums this would fall above “El Pintor” but below “Antics” in my opinion. (Turn On The Bright Lights being number one of…

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