• Journal Entry Type #19: Seriously! Really! No Kidding!

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    For the last two weeks, I’ve been out of sorts and going through the motions of work without much going on except medical crap.  What I thought was a routine CT scan of my sinuses, to try to get some relief since I’ve been dealing with this what feels like forever, the radiologist wanted me…

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  • TV Show Review: In the Dark (2019-)

    Quote from In the Dark by Murphy “I don’t need the dumb antibiotics.  Since the beginning of time, women have healed themselves.” Creator: Corinne Kingsbury Executive Producers: Brian Dannelly, Frank Kiracusa, John Weber, Jonathan Collier, Jackie Cohn, Corinne Kingsbury, Michael Showalter, Ben Stiller, Nicholas Weinstock, and Emily Fox Directors: Brian Dannelly, Norman Buckley, Patricia Cardoso,…

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