• Poem: Evolution of Death

    While I was rewriting and took a little break, I had this come to me. It’s sort of a culmination of things from my past. People I once knew and things I had heard. This is what resulted. No more and no less. Okay, back to rewriting. When I was young, foolish, and stupid, I…

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  • Woody Guthrie Quote

    I was going through my closet looking for something and came across this Woody Guthrie poster I had. I grew up interested in a variety of music and folk was one of them. Guthrie lived through the Great Depression and died in 1967. The Woody Guthrie Center is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He was 55…

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  • Random Photo of Car


    I suppose this is for all the car enthusiasts out there. While I don’t take credit for this photo, I am using it because one of my family members took it. This old car, old as dirt car is probably more fitting, belongs to my dad. Now that my parents are in their new house,…

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  • Poem: You Are Not the B Word

    You are not the bitch you thought you were. You don’t cater to anyone anymore, At least not as much and not as openly. You don’t care if people believe you are less than. It doesn’t bother you. For what’s the point When you do what you want to do, And you do it without…

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  • In The Meantime Project


    I took the last three days off of work because I needed a break. I spent the first two days primarily rewriting my first novel. I’m about at the halfway point and hope to get as much as I can get done by the end of Sunday. I’m proud of myself for sticking to my…

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  • Poem: Changing Colors

    I reworked an old poem and practically became a new poem. I’d like to try to write longer poems in the future but for now they are short. I’m still working on my novel rewrite despite me wanting to go head first into any one of my other novel ideas. I had a dream last…

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  • More You Know: The Solar System

    The solar system is made of basically planets, dwarf planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and one star called the sun. The solar system in moves around the Milky Way Galaxy (spiral galaxy) at about 515,000 mph or 828,000 kph. It takes around 230 million years for on orbit to take place around the galactic center. Four…

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  • Journal Entry Type #53: Triggers, Trauma, and Signs

    I wasn’t going to write anything today except post a few blogs I was working on, but then I saw a sign that triggered something within me or more made me think of something I felt the need to write about, and that is the affects of trauma and how it relates to PTSD (post…

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  • Weekly Facts #31

    This is for next week but at this rate, aren’t all these weeks just blending together like one nice vegetable soup during the winter. Besides I’m trying to move the pending blog entries into the posted blog entries for some reason. Probably because things have been sitting there for a while and want to clear…

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  • More You Know: Biggest Loser Winners

    Speaking of weight loss, here are the winners of the Biggest Loser.  Unfortunately, as many Americans and other countries have trouble losing and then keeping it off (lifestyle changes and consistency seem to be major issues for many), the majority of winners gained some or all of their weight back.  A few have kept it…

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  • More You Know: Hollywood Regrets and Passes

    At one point in their lives, these actors and actresses regretted being in movies or TV series for one reason or another.  Sometimes it was because they didn’t have faith in the movie when filming ended, didn’t like certain scenes in which they acted, or had difficulties on the set with the director.  I also…

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  • Weekly Facts #30

    Beaver castor sacs hold castoreum that is used in some perfumes, as a food additive, and flavor contributor to cigarettes.  Bookkeeper and its derivatives are the only words in the English with three consecutive double letters. The oldest hotel in the world is Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan that was built in 705 in Hayakawa, Japan.  It…

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  • Journal Entry Type #52: Hi, There! I’m Still Here!

    As with everything in life, it goes in circles and sometimes stops where you get dumped on (whether it be natural like rain or not so natural smelling). I had my eyes tested the other day and my eye sight is getting worse and continue to be dry. I need to use eye drops more…

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